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Red Carnal Orc Mask

$125.00 CAD

Masque pour Jeu de Rôle-Grandeur Nature (LARP)

SKU: 51420250

Red Carnal Orc Mask is made of thick latex, has large breathing holes and is characterized by Larp quality. This mask comes complete with sideburns and a Mohawk which amplifies the features of the piece. Wide breathing and hearing holes allows your senses to be in tune, ideal for manhunt.

Size: medium (57-59cm = 22-23 inches).

Any sweat or makeup residue can easily be removed using soapy water then wipes dry after each larp event.
The holes in the mask sometimes must be modified to fit the wearer. Using a pair of sharp scissors widen the openings to suit your needs. Make sure to clear each opening especially the ears.

Storage: Place the mask on a Styrofoam head or stuff it with plastic bags to preserve its original shape.

Item#: 20250150 was 51420250

Additional Information

Brand: Epic Armoury

Theme: LARP

Categories: Best Selling Products, Epic Armoury, Halloween Costumes and Accessories, LARP, LARP Masks and LARP Special FX, Masks, Newest Products, Scary Masks

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